Nestled in the picturesque village of Isterni on the enchanting island of Paros, Faith is a gem within a complex of five traditional, newly constructed houses. This splendid maisonette, spanning 160 square meters and built in 2012, exudes a timeless charm and offers a unique blend of modern comfort and classic allure. Boasting a spacious layout across two levels, the airy residence features three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and comes fully furnished. Set on a generous plot of 4050 square meters, the property offers breathtaking, unlimited views of the surrounding landscape and the azure sea. Amenities such as infrared heating, a solar water heater, a fireplace, security door, alarm system, and Wi-Fi ensure a luxurious and secure living experience. The property also includes open parking, large terraces, and a highlight—a generously sized heated outdoor jacuzzi, providing the perfect spot to unwind while relishing the unobstructed panoramic views. Faith House is not just a residence; it is a testament to the harmonious marriage of tradition and modernity in a truly idyllic setting.
Villa layout
Ground floor
Lower Floor
Outdoor Areas
Extra Services & Facilities: